Music: responsible for running background music as needed.
Video Recording: responsible for documenting event
Host(s): responsible for the following:
- opening address and welcome
- colour commentary and up-dates
- closing address and thank-yous
Registration officers (4): register and welcome teams, distribute name
tags and team supplies (t-shirts, pencils, erasers, rulers, notepad,
Checkers (12 plus 2 spares): responsible for the following:
- assisting with physical set up (tables, chairs, question envelopes)
- ensuring that their team has scrap paper, pencils, calculators, etc.
- checking team answers and directing their team “TRY AGAIN”
OR “MATH ON” as appropriate.
- collecting all answer tags
Student checkers are responsible for ensuring the fairness of
competition by being impartial participants. This means staying a fair
distance behind their team while they are problem solving and
maintaining “poker face” interactions with them.
Timers (6): responsible for accurate finish times for two teams and
ensuring the results are passed on to the Finish Line Judge.
Refreshments (2): responsible for distributing refreshments